Welcome to
Christ Episcopal Church of Aspen
Christ Episcopal Church of Aspen
“Let Your Light Shine…”
Matthew 5:16
Welcome to Christ Church!
Located on the NE corner of 5th and North St in Aspen’s historic West End, we are a small, joy-filled parish with a big heart for sharing God’s love with visitors and locals alike. Our relationship with God through Jesus Christ lies at the heart of our common life, and we seek to be transformed by that relationship as we engage in Bible-based worship, education, fellowship, and service together. In our faith community, we support one another in need, celebrate each others’ joys, pray together, and endeavor to share the love of Christ with all we meet.
If you’re interested in finding a place to worship, to ask questions and grow in faith, do explore this website and join us soon for Sunday morning services offering traditional Episcopal liturgy and music. Please also join us for fellowship following each service and breakfast on the first Sunday of every month. Check the calendar for details.
Sunday school is held every week during the Rite II service, Children are invited to join the adults upstairs during the latter part of the service.
Our services can also be viewed live online through the link near the bottom of this page.
ANYONE hungry for God is welcome at Christ Church, and if you are interested in learning more about becoming a member, either seasonally or full time, please click on the welcome form button below, or simply speak to Father Bill.
We look forward to meeting you!
Schedule & Services
8:00 am Rite I, traditional service spoken in old language.
10:00 am Rite II contemporary, in-person service.
Virtual Service broadcasting LIVE Online. See below.
Helpful Information to enjoy the Best Streaming Experience
The Rite II service is found on pages 355-366 in the Prayer Book
To view the Collect, Readings and Psalms for each week, please use the link to the Lectionary page and click on the corresponding date.
Disclaimer: The information on this website is current, but is undergoing extensive remodeling!