
Welcome to the community of
Christ Episcopal Church of Aspen.

We are delighted that you are interested in learning more about us.  ANYONE who is hungry for God is welcomed at Christ Church.  We would be grateful if you could help us to learn more about you, your family, and your interests. Please provide us with the information below as you are able and return it to the Church Office at your convenience.  Likewise, you may also simply speak to Father Bill if you are interested in becoming a member, either seasonally or full time,


Christ Episcopal Church of Aspen Contact Information Form
In addition to helping us to learn more about your family, there is also the option of having this information included in our next Parish Directory, enabling you to develop relationships with the CEC Family.

If you would prefer not to be listed in the Directory, please indicate so on the Information Form. Note that the Directory will be distributed to parishioners only. Please print legibly.  We are working to make the directory available online accessible to members only through the same Fellowship One’s secure web server we currently use for our Stewardship.

CEC Media Consent Form
Occasionally we share photos of children from our CEC activities on our church website or in social media. While the images are used, we do not identify the children in the photos. Please complete this form to share your preferences.

Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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