April 4, 2021 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am America/Denver Timezone

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Alleluia! Christ is risen!

Join us Easter Sunday, on this Most High Day to Praise & Give Glory to Our Risen Lord. In person and online service 10:00am.

*Reservations are required for this service. Please click here to make a reservation.

This service will also be broadcasted live, online at 10:00am, on Christ Episcopal Church, Aspen YouTube page and on our website.

This service will also be broadcasted live, online at 7:00 pm, on Christ Episcopal Church, Aspen YouTube page and on our website.

As we regather, we are committed to putting your safety first. Please review these detailed guidelines for attending CEC Services.

In accordance with current Pitkin County Health Department regulations and guidelines from the Episcopal Church in Colorado,  we will not be able to have more than 50 people in worship.

Please wear a mask covering your face at all times while in Christ  Episcopal Church. Even if you are unafraid of contracting the virus yourself or have been vaccinated, using a face covering is a way of     expressing care for the health of your fellow parishioners and helps to create an environment where people feel safe.

Please maintain 6 ft. of social distancing between household groups.

The Hymnals & Books of Common Prayer have been removed from the pews; we will have music, but no singing.

When using the restrooms, please help us by cleaning up after yourself with the wipes provided in the bathroom. Please wipe down any sur face you touch, before and after using the sink, toilet, door handle, and stall handle.

 Please exercise caution and consider staying home if you consider yourself to be in a high-risk category. In addition, stay home and get tested if you are experiencing: ONE of the following symptoms: a fever of 100.4 or above, coughshortness of breathloss of taste/smell. TWO or More of the following symptoms: fatigue, headachesore throatchillsbody achesdiarrhea or vomiting.

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